Scat Fun!

on Thursday, June 24, 2010

This week we traveled to the Jazz Era, where we learned to scat, blow a kazoo and create art deco!

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Walk Like An Egyptian

on Thursday, June 17, 2010

This week we traveled to ancient Egypt, where we saw mummies, practiced writing hieroglyphics, made our own sarcophagi! Check out some of the fun events...

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Cowboys & Cowgirls Head West

on Thursday, June 10, 2010

Yee-Haw! Check out photos from our first official summer reading meeting, where we headed back in time to the Old American West. Everyone had fun, especially making their own cowboy and cowgirl vests!

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Whip Guy In Action

on Monday, June 7, 2010

See more photos of the Whip-Guy in action...

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Summer Reading Kicks Off!

Check out some photos from our Kick-Off & Registration event...

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Another Round of Thanks

on Friday, June 4, 2010

Thanks to the following for making our kick-off and registration event a great success:

Ashley Koenig:  For designing our SRP 2010 logo.

Country Market of Byron:  For donating 150 brown paper bags for craft making.

Friends of the Library:  For their time, energy and willingness to lend a hand.

Janitorial Staff:  Who set up and organized set up and clean up for our kick-off event.

Jay Williams:  For letting us borrow hay bales to sit on during the Whip Guy's performance.

Jill Huber & Athletic Boosters:  For letting us borrow their popcorn machine.  Thanks to Jill who volunteered her time to run it.

Julia Hull District Library Patrons:  Who’ve collected and donated various household items for program crafting purposes & for their unrelenting support!

Steve Stewart, Stillman Valley High School Activities Director:  For reserving the gymnasium for our kick-off event in case of rain.  (Fortunately we didn't need it!)

Stillman Bank:  For purchasing our SRP 2010 canvas book totes.  This is the third year that Stillman Bank has generously donated totes for our library summer reading event.

Teen Advisory Council (TAC):  For keeping everything running smoothly, including directing guests, entertaining kids, "manning" registration booths & assisting with set up and clean up.

Tee Lee Popcorn:  For supplying a 50 pound bag of popcorn for our kick-off event.

Village of Davis Junction:  For their generous donation of $500 which paid for The Whip Guy.

Stay tuned for photos of our kick-off event...

SRP 2010 Reminders

on Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Don't forget our Summer Reading 2010 registration & an unforgettable kick-off event this Thursday, June 3rd.  Here are a few reminders:

  • Registration begins at 6:00 PM:  bring your current library card, or 2 forms of i.d. to register for a library card.
  • Byron Public Library patrons who want to participate in Julia Hull's Summer Reading Program, but who do not currently have a library card must register for one at Bryon Public Library.  We apologize that we cannot register another library's patron.
  • Weather permitting we'll be outdoors for the 7:00 PM Whip-Guy performance, so don't forget to bring lawn chairs or blankets for seating.
  • If the weather does not cooperate with our festivities, we'll move inside to the Stillman Valley High School gymnasium.